What is Health Insurance Policy for Family?
A health insurance policy for family provides coverage against medical expenses incurred due to accidents, illness or injury. During the policy period,if an insured gets hospitalized, the expenses for medical, surgical, prescription drug, doctors, nursing incurred for treatment purposes are borne by the insurance company. Health insurance policy for family can reimburse the insured for hospitalization expenses incurred from illness or injury, or pay the hospital directly.
Health insurance plan for family cover room, Boarding expenses, Nursing expenses, Fees of surgeon, anesthetist, physician, consultants, specialists Anesthesia, blood, oxygen, operation theatre charges, surgical appliances, medicines, drugs, diagnostic materials, X-ray, Dialysis, chemotherapy, Radio therapy, cost of pacemaker, Artificial limbs, cost or organs and similar expenses. Day Care Treatments, Pre & Post Hospitalization, Ambulance Charges, Aayush Treatments that need hospitalization Show More
Family Health Insurance does not cover Pre-existing diseases Infertility and pregnancy related complications Expenses arising out of skin treatment, HIV or AIDS, use or misuse of intoxicated drinks and drugs War, strikes or nuclear weapons induced treatments Cosmetic Surgeries Diagnostic Charges It is always advisable to read policy's full terms and conditions as they may differ policy to policy. Show More
The individual health insurance policy is designed to provide you greater flexibility with the sum assured and is applicable to every member of your family covered under the plan
Each member of the family can choose different sum insured based on their needs. However, the premium for this plan is determined by individual's age. Show More
As compared to individual plans, family floater Mediclaim plans help in saving a lot of money with its umbrella cover. Family Floater plans are best suited for a family that is young & small as it focuses on bringing your entire family under one single cover. The chosen sum assured is applicable to all family members covered under the plan, collectively. If one member makes a claim, the other members can claim to the extent of remaining Sum Insured. Show More
A super top-up health plan covers the hospitalisation expenses above an opted specified limit (called deductible) upto opted Sum Insured. For a claim to trigger under a super top up policy, one hospital bill or the total of multiple hospital bills in a policy year should be more than the deductible amount. For example, if you buy a Super top-up plan and opt for Sum Insured Rs 20 lakh and opt for a deductible limit of Rs 5 lakh then the super top-up policy will cover medical expenses over and above the deductible amount of Rs 5 lakh. The deductible amount can be self-paid or can be paid from your current health insurance policy.
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